Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Ever Feel Invisible?

 In a world where social media has all but taken over, we have more lonely people than any time in history. FaceBook, Twitter, and all the others, give people, and especially young people, the false idea that they have hundreds of friends.
Addiction is rising among our children, and starting younger than ever.  The average child has tried either an illegal drug or alcohol by the age of 10!
 Last summer my daughter was junior staff at a christian camp during a week for 4-5th graders. She was confronted head on with a camper who was cutting herself. As a mom, this rocks my very world. These girls are still so young.
As a christian woman, who loves young people, I know the message that Jesus loves you, is one that must get through to all of these breaking hearts.
These kids are feeling like they are invisible to the world and everyone around them.
We MUST point these precious souls to the ONE who can rescue them from their loneliness and despair!

And by the way, it is not just young people who feel invisible. We must reach the world with the love of Christ!

Our youth group did this video to help get out the message that there is One to whom you are never invisible. 

Glen Lyn Youth Group

Now, open your eyes and look for those who feel invisible and show them the reflection of Christ!

Chasing After Their Hearts,
Glenda Johnson

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