Monday, October 19, 2009

Monday? Why Do We Hate Mondays?

It has become apparent to me today that most people HATE Mondays. I really must admit, that more times than not, I am one of them.

Why is it that we hate Mondays so much? Here are a few thoughts:

1. Our weekend is over. Now we have to go back to work.
2. We view Friday as the gateway to freedom. Saturday and Sunday as OUR days for US. Monday strips all that away.
3. We did too many FUN things on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and now we are exhausted.

Ladies, do you find that you are just worn out after the weekend and Monday is just a horrible day for you and consequently for your family? Me too.

The Holy Spirit pricked my conscience this morning as I was pondering all these things. As I was reading the Word, here's what came to my mind.

Yesterday was Sunday. The church gathered together for encouragement! For a pep rally! To honor Jesus, our Savior! To love on one another and be loved on also! To build each up! To learn what we can do to lead others to Christ! To eat of the bread and drink of the vine to proclaim Jesus until He returns!

And less than 24 hours later, we are toast!!

I can see it if we felt down and out on Saturday or even Friday! But oh no..TGIF, right.

What happened after the resurrection?  Do you really think those that saw Jesus after He resurrected from the dead, had a bad Monday?
Did they drag around and wonder if they could make it through the week like so often I do? I highly doubt it! They couldn't wait to tell everybody about Jesus!

What did you see yesterday? Did you hear about the resurrection? Did you come in contact with Jesus?

If we see the gathering together of the Body of Christ as we should, then Mondays should be a flying high day! We should be ready to conquer the world for Jesus!

Maybe what is needed is a new perspective. We need to be an encourager on Sundays, and get encouraged on Sunday, so that we greet Monday with a battle cry for the Lord!

If we are so busy doing worldly things that we are unable to concentrate on the spiritual, then we will develop the world's view on Monday. We will have the expectation of a horrible, bad day.

The challenge I have issued for myself is to greet each Monday from here on out with this:

I have been on the mountain and in the presence of the church worshiping the resurrected Jesus just 24 hours ago, I CAN ACCOMPLISH  ANYTHING!

A change in my attitude will be a blessing to my husband, my children and to the Kingdom!

Here's to a lifetime of MARVELOUS Mondays!

Chasing Their Hearts,

Glenda Johnson

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