Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Requirements for the New Year!

The New Year is here. 2011. I keep reading about resolutions. Plans for this year. Changes people want to make in themselves.

Why do we do this? Why do we choose the first of the year to decide to make a change? 
People, myself included, tend to resist change. It is not comfortable, and yet, change is necessary for a healthy life. Your child's doctor always does a check on height, weight, and skill changes when you take your child to see them. If there are no changes then there is a problem.

We are either growing and changing, or we are dying. 
This relates both to our physical life and our spiritual life.

Since it seems that people from all over the world are deciding it is safe to make changes it is easy to jump on the band wagon. 
It's "ok" to make a change since "everyone else is doing it"!
This is also the very reason so many fail at keep New Year resolutions. They are made for the wrong reason, at the wrong time. A clear set up for failure.

I have spent the last two days pondering this very thought. There are many things I want to change and do for myself and my family. 
I want to make changes because it is God's will for me to do so. This verse spoke to the very core of what I have been searching my heart and pleading to God for insight to, the last few days.

“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” - Micah 6:8

The very question, "What does the Lord require of you, (ME)?" is answered so clearly here. 
No "maybe". 
No "if".
No "when".
No doubt, what God wants me to do.
No doubt why God wants me to do it.

God truly has shown me what is good. 
His love.
My salvation.
His grace.

My response to those things?  My response is what God actually REQUIRES of me.
Act Justly.
Love Mercy.
Walk Humbly before Him.

 I need to know what it looks like to do those things. 
What I need to change , in my life, to do what is required of me, by God.

The next three blogs will cover those thoughts and searching of God's word, and my application to my heart and life.

You are invited to join me as I chase after God's heart this year!

Chasing After Hearts,
Glenda Johnson

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